Monday, July 13, 2009

Tyler and Carter's Homemade Pizza

This blog has been titled by Tyler himself! Today the boys made their own lunch for a change!!! They had so much fun creating their masterpiece and had more fun gobling it all up! Amazing how they eat everything on their plate when they make it!
ready to cook!

finished product

I also got a little crazy and actually make something from a recipe I found in a magazine for dinner tonite. Those of you that know me know that I hate to cook so this is pretty huge for me! It actually turned out pretty yummy if I say so myself! I actually blanched something (had no idea what that was until today)

1 comment:

C.Thompson said...

Yum, I need to do that with the kids. Looks like a fun and yummy project and you go Next Food Network Star:-) Your Veggies looked awesome.