Friday, August 22, 2008

No Training Wheels and Underwear!!

Both my boys are growing up so fast! Tyler decided the other night he no longer wanted those silly training wheels on his bike so off they went. It has been a tough go, but I think he finally has it. I took video of his work in progress, he is so proud of himself! I decided for Carter that is was time to get rid of those diapers! We went straight to brothers underwear drawer and got some undies for Carter to start the traning process! He is not going to be as easy as Tyler was, we already had 3 accidents in one hour! How is that possible that he tee tee's that much in 1 HR??? We will be heading to Target next week for Carter to pick out his own super hero undies, maybe that will help. Update: Tyler is a pro at the bike, only 1 day later he is all over the place on his bike! I went for a run last night while he rode his bike and I could not keep up with him!!!


C.Thompson said...

WTG Tyler!!! That is awesome. Pretty soon he will be saying...Look Mom no hands,lol:-)

Can you come and have a talk with Kensley about going potty?? I sure would like to only have to buy diapers for 1 instead of 2.

TheSartors said...

Way to go Ty! Gabby thinks you are the coolest!

The Daily Stroll said...

Go Tyler! I'm kinda dreading potty training Jonah even though he actually likes going to use the potty and most of the time he tells me when he needs to go but I'm not looking forward to the accidents!

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Tyler. What was Daddy Brad thinking - running after Tyler in flipflops!!? You can hear the flipflopping getting faster & faster right along with Ty.

Good for you, too, big boy Carter.

Love you all,

Anonymous said...

You did it, Tyler! Congratulations. Pam & Jack