Monday, January 19, 2009

A Date Night???

Yes it is true, Brad and I had a date night last night!!! At church Tyler asked Nana if he and Carter could stay the night and she said yes!!! So after nap we loaded them up drove them to Nana and Papas slowed down a little, pushed them out and called to let my parents know they were on their front porch (just kidding we actually came to a stop before letting them out!) Brad and I were then FREE!! We drove around our dream neighborhood which we WILL live in one of these days. Then we headed to Romeos on the Georgetown Square. We had a lot of fun and hopefully can do it more often! Thanks Nana and Papa!!!


C.Thompson said...

How fun!!

The Daily Stroll said...

I love date nights! Looks like you guys had a great time!

kt said...

Fun Stuff...I'm jealous!