Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Tyler

WOW, 5 how did that happen, my little boy is FIVE!! He is so excited about his party tonite he can't control himself! Tyler has had a great 5 years on this earth, he has the best family, brother and friends. His favorites are Spiderman, Star Wars, any super hero, playing with his "brother" Kaden" (and sometimes his real brother!) swimming, hanging out with his BFF aka Nana, and riding his bike WITHOUT training wheels! He is really a good kid, he did not start out that way however. Tyler was a CRYER! as a baby. In fact if I could have found a way to get him back in my tummy for another few months I might have done it! After he decided the world was not so bad he relaxed and became a good kid. I am so honored to be his mom and get to spend everyday with him and his brother watching them grow!

Tyler's Birth Day 9/22/03

Tyler's first Birthday Party

Tyler's 2nd Birthday Party

Tyler's 3rd Birthday Party

Tyler's 4th Birthday Party

soon to come pictures from his 5th Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Little Man!


C.Thompson said...

Happy Birthday Tyler!!

Your little man is not a baby anymore! It is amazing how much he has grown over the years. I love looking at the b-day from year to year. See ya tonight!!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, Tyler! Hope you had fun at your party!

Can you believe that your baby will be in Kindergarten next year?